
Submit the form is done with the onSubmit prop. This function takes in the form state, so you can send the data to your server. It will only be called if the validation passes, so you will not be sending bad data to the server. The function can be async, it will be awaited when the form is submitted. While the promise is resolving, the form status will be set to "submitting".

To add errors to the form state if the server request fails, you can throw an error that has errorBag property on it. The contents of this will be set as the form errors, removing any errors that are currently there.

const onSubmit = ({ formState }) => {
return fetch("/create-post", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(formState),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((res) => {
if (res.errorBag) {
throw res;
// Do something with the result

Native form submissions can be done by calling the submit function on the DOM node. This can be called by using the event that is passed into the onSubmit callback.

const onSubmit = ({ event }) => { = "POST";;